Usher and Sharon Fogel
Usher Fogel, z”l, was passionate about learning and absolutely committed to his children receiving a Torah education. He was well versed in the Talmud and Tanach, but also on incredibly diverse and wide-ranging topics.
Usher’s law practice of counseling major utilities was, by necessity, based in Albany, the state capital of New York. There, he and his wife, Sharon, were instrumental in growing the orthodox community, establishing an eruv and expanding their shul, Congregation Beth Abraham Jacob. Usher served as the Chazan and Sharon was the President of the Sisterhood and Mikvah. Although they invested heavily in creating a local Yeshiva where Sharon served as the Vice President and despite their deep ties to Albany, they believed that their three children, Joel, Jaimie and Lisa, would be unable to receive a quality Torah education there and so they moved their family to Woodmere, New York. Usher then bore the burden of commuting over 3 hours each way to his job for over 5 years!
It is therefore particularly fitting that we are naming our new scholarship fund in his memory to continue his legacy of sacrifice in the name of providing a Torah education.
אשר לעמל צבי מאיר בן יוסף ז׳׳ל
Your contribution to this fund is tax deductible and will be designated for the purpose of providing financial aid to families in our community, allowing them to choose a high quality Jewish education for their children. Contributions to this fund can be made by check, payable to:
B’nai Abraham Chabad
527 Lombard Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Please include “Usher Fogel Scholarship Fund” or UFSF in the memo section of your check.
To donate online via credit card, please click here and choose “Usher Fogel Scholarship Fund” in the “purpose” section of the donation form.