Why Us? Meet our members below and find out why they choose our Center City Philadelphia Synagogue

Question: Why do you love B'nai Abraham? Answers
Ken Federman: B'nai Abraham provides me with a unique link with my family heritage and G-d.

Jerry Hecht: Haimish, Learning

Leroy Kean: Small, intimate size congregation; Progressive leadership and welcomes everyone

Michael Epstein: It's a warm, open, welcoming Shul; it accepts all people for what and where they are and helps them grow to where they want to be in their Jewish life

Bonnie Silverman: The shul and its members are very accepting of everyone. There does not seem to be a hierarchy, the board members mix with the rest of the congregation, which is quite different than experiences I have had elsewhere. I feel a connection to my Jewish past through this historic congregation.

Adam Bernick: Close to where I live; study classes; historic